Artist Statement
“Humanity Is Universal”
I deeply believe that all forms of art exist as the catalyst to unite people from all colors, creeds, faiths, orientations, moral values, etc. Art is a fabricated expression of a universal, humane emotional experience and thus opens audiences to such a vulnerable state, that any and all walls get torn down until we are but humans feeling alongside other humans feeling. It is in that moment of purely vulnerable emotional exertion when we, as living human being, can unite and rejoice in the mere capability to show such engrossed passion towards a given piece of art.
I make art for this purpose. I believe in human unity through our undeniable emotional similarities. I, along with many in my generation, spent a majority of our formative years believing we were ‘broken’ and ‘alone’ because of the emotions we felt with an insurmountable intensity. We believed that there was no helping hand to tell us we were normal for feeling and validated that it was okay to feel.
I want to make art to prove to audiences, it’s okay to feel.
We are only human and we are not alone.
- Mitchell Coriell
Mitchell Coriell was born on July 1st 1998, and grew up in the beautiful and quaint town of Bethlehem, PA. He graduated from Freedom High School in 2016. Since Mitchell’s father let him watch Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” at way too young an age, Mitchell has always wanted to be involved, in some capacity, with the filmmaking industry and process. It was during his time at Temple University where he locked his specific interests on writing and storytelling. Mitchell’s other notable achievements include attaining the Boy Scout rank of Eagle Scout, a 2nd degree black belt, and a bartender’s license.
Mitchell is currently a senior at Temple University as a Film/Video Production major with a concentration in Screenwriting. As soon as the COVID-19 pandemic dies down, Mitchell will be moving to Los Angeles to chase the dream he has had for as long as he can remember. Mitchell hopes to soon find more artistically inclined forms of income. Mitchell loves working on character-driven pieces with explorations of relationships, nostalgia and growing up slowly. See the “Current Works” page to see what Mitchell is working on right now!